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“You can’t go waving two banners at once, both of defense and of social reform“

On July 6, 1976, in a speech made at the funeral of Yonatan Netanyahu, an outstanding fighter, military commander, and hero of Operation Entebbe, … said:  “This operation necessitated the taking of an enormous risk, but a risk that seemed to be more justifiable than the other one that was involved — the risk of surrender to terrorists and blackmailers, the risk that is inherent in submission and capitulation.”

July 1982, …  wrote in support of putting an end to the existence of the PLO: “Our argument with the PLO is not about the past, but rather about the future. I do not foresee any substantive Israeli mandate being given to anyone in its name, to [accept the PLO’s demands of returning to] pre-1967 borders, to divide Jerusalem and to establish a Palestinian state that will attempt to overthrow Israel at one moment, and to take over Jordan the next.”

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