How to import modern Western Institutions Suppresses Economic Growth?

The Guide to the Book “Institutional Constraints on Modern Economic Growth” uploaded at SSRN and at RePEc. The Russian edition was published in 2011 in “Delo” publishers. Projected title of the book English version is “How to import modern Western Institutions Suppresses Economic Growth?” The “Guide” contains shortened version of Introduction and the chapters annotations (with relevant references on SSRN / RePEc for chapters already translated to English).

“I believe that the United States today is not an appropriate model for Mexico or other low-income countries…. There have been no summits about how you privatize governmental activities. You have seen summits about how to raise taxes, about spending more of the taxpayers’ money, about how to impose more controls on the people. That is the sense in which I say, take as your model the U.S. in its first 150 years. We can afford our nonsense now because we had so long a period during which to build a base. You can’t.” wrote Milton Friedman in 1994.

The book contains specification of the principal cases of “nonsense”. The authors are searching for historic records of “damaged” institutions, their roots and causes of the damages, tracking them to universal suffrage rising and to the earlier, pre-capitalist institutions, in order to develop policy advice for new generation of reformers.

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