Category Archives: Private property and private owners’ rights

Left Liberal Hierarchy of “underpriveliged” groups

Lefts dominate politically in the California. They are dreaming already to turn all the US in the Californian 1.5-party system. Feeling of “political safety”, the rule which is secured reliably causes internal fighting for power and resources inside democrats there. Some … Continue reading

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The Torah as the source of economic freedom and its sustainability

At first glance, the Torah does not address the issues of economic and social order (surely, it does not discuss distinctions between free capitalist and socialist approaches). Talmudic sources, occasionally restricting economic freedom, often reflected realities of communities which survived … Continue reading

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Anti -parent bill lost, 5th Commandment won by … leftists, feminists votes

Anti – parent bill “Parents and their Kids” (see M.Feiglin’s comments on the bill) was defeated today in Knesset 41:42. The bill adoption’s main consequence would be aggravated enforcement in Israel so called Convention on the Rights of the Child … Continue reading

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Capitalism and Greed. Our Greed

Moshe Feiglin wrote: “It is our gas!” cry the witch-hunters. Every reporter, publicist and populistic MK have suddenly morphed into Robin Hood – robbing the rich to give to the poor. But if they are so right, why aren’t they … Continue reading

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How to import modern Western Institutions Suppresses Economic Growth?

The Guide to the Book “Institutional Constraints on Modern Economic Growth” uploaded at SSRN and at RePEc. The Russian edition was published in 2011 in “Delo” publishers. Projected title of the book English version is “How to import modern Western … Continue reading

Posted in Data Economic Growth in Very Long Run, Institutions preventing economic growth, Private property and private owners' rights, Public choice, Pure & Mixed Public goods | Tagged , , | Comments Off on How to import modern Western Institutions Suppresses Economic Growth?