Category Archives: Public choice

Left Liberal Hierarchy of “underpriveliged” groups

Lefts dominate politically in the California. They are dreaming already to turn all the US in the Californian 1.5-party system. Feeling of “political safety”, the rule which is secured reliably causes internal fighting for power and resources inside democrats there. Some … Continue reading

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Few notes for my Jewish friends, perplexed by Trump

People ask themselves: what has really happened? What will happen to us since Trump elected? I believe nothing REALLY bad hasn’t happened, since the end of the primaries. Obama’s landmarks. No any doubt both candidates were better than person who … Continue reading

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Revisiting US military Aid for Israel: new voices of concern

More and more people publicly share their concern about incentives caused by US military aid for Israel. The problem we had discussed since 2011 (Yanovskiy Moshe, US Aid for Israel – A Historical Overview (version on March 3, 2014). Ex-ambassador Yoram Ettinger … Continue reading

Posted in Economic Aid, Foreign Policy & Intl relations, Public choice, Security and Terrorism | Tagged | Comments Off on Revisiting US military Aid for Israel: new voices of concern

One Year of Government 34 of Israel: Leading Parties’ Positions on Key Issues

Fourteen months has passed since the day of elections and more than one year since Government 34 of Israel has been sworn in 14 May, 2015 – long enough for the various political parties to demonstrate their readiness to live … Continue reading

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Prague Conference on Political Economy: explaining Nanny State rise

Sergei Zhavoronkov and Kirill Rodionov have presented the report  ”Nanny State: few notes on origin and political machine” at Prague Conference on Political Economy.  The paper develops and upgrades  previous researches:  Universal Suffrage: Undeclared Conflict of Interest and   The Puzzle of … Continue reading

Posted in Nanny state, Public choice, Pure & Mixed Public goods, Scope of Government, Universal Suffrage | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Prague Conference on Political Economy: explaining Nanny State rise

How to import modern Western Institutions Suppresses Economic Growth?

The Guide to the Book “Institutional Constraints on Modern Economic Growth” uploaded at SSRN and at RePEc. The Russian edition was published in 2011 in “Delo” publishers. Projected title of the book English version is “How to import modern Western … Continue reading

Posted in Data Economic Growth in Very Long Run, Institutions preventing economic growth, Private property and private owners' rights, Public choice, Pure & Mixed Public goods | Tagged , , | Comments Off on How to import modern Western Institutions Suppresses Economic Growth?

Why some minorities are more equal than others?

Why not all minorities are “minor enough”; why unfair enforcement is fair for somebody: here is 1st draft of the new paper “The Puzzle of Selectivity in Fighting Discrimination: A Public Choice Approach”. Advocates of the war against discrimination and … Continue reading

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What these parties stand for, really? XX Knesset Elections

Why people less and less interested in the parties’ electoral platforms? Why Leftists in spite of numerous failures in security (“Peace Process”) and in spite of poor performance in economic issues are going on in pushing their radical ideas and … Continue reading

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