Author Archives: moshe

About moshe

Crime and Punishment: Jeff Jacoby comment

Here is highly recommended article written by Jeff Jacoby on punishment deterrence capacity and his  link onexcellent collection of scientific articles on the issue. Classical paper by Isaak Ehrlich  (1975) must be added to the above mentioned list of papers. BTW, both, dead … Continue reading

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Revisiting US military Aid for Israel: new voices of concern

More and more people publicly share their concern about incentives caused by US military aid for Israel. The problem we had discussed since 2011 (Yanovskiy Moshe, US Aid for Israel – A Historical Overview (version on March 3, 2014). Ex-ambassador Yoram Ettinger … Continue reading

Posted in Economic Aid, Foreign Policy & Intl relations, Public choice, Security and Terrorism | Tagged | Comments Off on Revisiting US military Aid for Israel: new voices of concern

One Year of Government 34 of Israel: Leading Parties’ Positions on Key Issues

Fourteen months has passed since the day of elections and more than one year since Government 34 of Israel has been sworn in 14 May, 2015 – long enough for the various political parties to demonstrate their readiness to live … Continue reading

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Prague Conference on Political Economy: explaining Nanny State rise

Sergei Zhavoronkov and Kirill Rodionov have presented the report  ”Nanny State: few notes on origin and political machine” at Prague Conference on Political Economy.  The paper develops and upgrades  previous researches:  Universal Suffrage: Undeclared Conflict of Interest and   The Puzzle of … Continue reading

Posted in Nanny state, Public choice, Pure & Mixed Public goods, Scope of Government, Universal Suffrage | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Prague Conference on Political Economy: explaining Nanny State rise

To Kill Hope? In Search of a Reliable Strategy to Fight Terrorism

New paper’s ‘To Kill Hope?   In Search of a Reliable Strategy to Fight Terrorism’ draft  is uploaded for critics in free access at ssrn: Nor does history of Israel suggest any reasonable expectation that terrorists will be appeased by … Continue reading

Posted in Elections and Politics in Israel, Pure vs. Mixed Public Goods, Security and Terrorism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on To Kill Hope? In Search of a Reliable Strategy to Fight Terrorism

Where are their children?

Euro-bureaucrats had invited  millions savages from Middle East and North Africa. It turned to be new “Europeans”  destined by Brussels to vote for Big Unlimited Government, say,  not obsessed by their children fate. Now it turned to be 10000 children … Continue reading

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Do I need ID to vote? Carpetbaggers and electoral fraud come back

Washington Post have published just before November 2014 Elections short Manual on “where to commit electoral fraud”. The fraud masters from Democratic party supporting Unions got the signal and interpreted it quite clearly and rationally (the fact they failed generally … Continue reading

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The Cologne New year: “where the men?”

The people asked after the event: “Where were German Policemen December, 31″? The smart journalist is asking the more general question on Cologne: ”Where were the German men?” (the same question from US journalist). The journalist’s own answer: “Postmodern cultural … Continue reading

Posted in Family protection, Institutions preventing economic growth, Pure vs. Mixed Public Goods, social justice outcomes | Comments Off on The Cologne New year: “where the men?”

Anti -parent bill lost, 5th Commandment won by … leftists, feminists votes

Anti – parent bill “Parents and their Kids” (see M.Feiglin’s comments on the bill) was defeated today in Knesset 41:42. The bill adoption’s main consequence would be aggravated enforcement in Israel so called Convention on the Rights of the Child … Continue reading

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Refugees’ invasion

Syrian “refugees invasion actualizes problems we addressed in our book. First and foremost it is an issue of corruption of incentives by welfare state. Politicians encouraged to “import” voters, bureaucrats to “import” new clients, supportive to their claim for more … Continue reading

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